Metaphysical Poetry in literature and their Definition , Characteristics and Examples.

                                        Metaphysical poetry

           Metaphysical word composed of two words "Meta" means Beyond and "Physics" means Our environment. Metaphysics means poetry that has a particularity that goes beyond the word of this article.

           Metaphysical poetry is about the total experience of man, but the intelligent learning and seriousness of the poets mean that poetry is about deep realms of experience, especially love poetry, romantic and religious.

          Metaphysical poetry occupies a unique place in the history of English poetry. It was written in the Post - the Shakespearean era during the Milton Era and continued until the beginning of the Restoration Era.


      There  are certain characteristics which differentiate their poetry from the poetry of former poets. The Metaphysical poets think and feel at the same time.

Un-dissociated   Sensibility:

        The most important  characteristics of the metaphysical is their possession of or striving after what T.S Eliot calls un-dissociated sensibility ( the combination of thought and feeling) which Milton was to “Split” later. However Prof. L.C  Knights in his essay “ Bacon and the dissociation of sensibility” in explorations puts forward the view that sensibility came to be dissociated much earlier by Bacon.

         Donne has the knack of presenting together different objects which have between them a quite remote though undeniable similarity. He connects the abstract with the concrete the remote with the near and sometimes during moments of the most serious meditation breaks into a note of  sardonic humour or bathetic frivolity. This juxtaposition and sometimes, interfusion of a  apparently dissimilar or exactly opposite objects often pleasantly thrills us into a new perception of reality .

 Donne says Hayward is a “thrilling poet” Donne wrote:

    Oh, to vex me contraries meet in one,

    Inconstancy  naturally hath begot

    A  constant habit.

       These “contraries” meeting in Donne’s poetry  “vex” not only the poet but also sometimes his readers . His successors handled these contraries rather crudely with very unpleasant.

Metaphysical  Wit and Conceits:

       Metaphysical poets using wit ,Irony , Concits ,pun and paradoxes comparison is made between  two very unlike things . It is a unique duality of metaphysical poets . Dr. Johnson was the first critic to point out the tendency of the metaphysical poets to yoke radically different images forcibly together. This tendency arose according to T.S Eliot from their  un-dissociated sensibility.

        It may be objected that Donne and his followers do not really seem to be serious and spontaneous in the tendency noted by Dr Johnson. When Donne  compare a pair of lovers to a pair of compasses he is not speaking with his tongue. Such a tendency is a true manifestation of the metaphysical wit.

         Hobbes in his Leviath is defined wit as the capability to find out similarities between things which may look very dissimilar when Carew said that Donne.

                     Ruled , as he thought fit,

                      The  universal  monarchy  of wit

        All the metaphysicals have an incorrigible aptitude for witty  comparisons , juxtaposition and imagery and what may be called “the metaphysical conceite” some strains or far-fetched comparison or figure of speech Dr. Johnson Defined Wit of the metaphysical as a kind of Discordia concors combination of dissimilar images.

In  another  poem we have the very quaint line.

      A holy thirsty dropsy melts me yet.

   The word “holy” is highly serious “thirsty “  stands for a simple physical need and dropsy the name of a disease  has a clinical twang Again consider the lines :

    Go tell court- Huntsman that the king will ride ;

    Call country ants to harvest offices.

See how the king and country ants are juxtaposed.


      Metaphysical poets are man of highly intellectual with the help of their vast knowledge they presented new ideas and stories to their readers . The poetry of the metaphysical has the impress of very vast learning.

      It may be said that this poetry is brain sprung not heartfelt. It is intellectual and witty to a fault Dr. Johnson noted that the metaphysical poets sometimes drew their conceits from “ recesses of learning not very much frequented by common readers” .Learning  is an asset for a poet our quarrel with the metaphysical is not that they are learned but that ,sometimes they show off their learning just to impress the reader.

       An imaginative and learned writer says Edmuhd Blunden “ calls for annotion, but the object of his difficult allusions is to give shape to his ideas of the world , of the soul not to decide matters of astronomy ,physics, geography and natural history”.

    Many of Donne followers  do not always prove so imaginative”.



Paradoxical  Ratiocination:

       According  to Grierson the hallmarks of metaphysical poetry are passionate feeling and paradoxical ratiocination. The poems are argumentative to prove their ideas . The poems are amalgon of spiritual and physical abstact and concrete though and emotions . The same critic observer that the metaphysicals “exhibited deductive reasoning carried to a high pitch.

      Donne state at the beginning of a poem a hoplessly in supportable proposition which he defends soon after. Consider the poem “ The indifferent” which open as below ;

             I can love both fair and brown.

        Whatever qualities a woman has are made into so many reasonsfor loving her! Again note this in his poem “The Broken Heart”.

          He is stark mad who ever says,

          That he hath been in love one hour

         With his tremendous ratiocination ability .Donne defends  this proposition . In “The Flea” the proposition presented to his mistress is  :

         This  flea is you  and I , and this

         Our  marriage bed, and marriage temple is

       It seems an unpromising  subject but there are twenty seven lines of packed argument to drive it home see, for instance , the following clever lines :

          You that are she and you that’s double she,

           In her dead face half of yourself shall see.

        Lucas complains : Donne treats poetry as a trapeze for mental frisks Clay Hunts disapproves such “ pyrotechnics of wit”

 Diction and Versification:

      Metaphysical poets employ their own diction in their poetry . They mostly used colloquial language in his poetry . In style and versification  Donne and his followers reacted against cloying sweetness and harmony of the school of  Spencer .

According to Wordsworth the language of poetry should be :

    “The natural language of impassioned feeling”.

The metaphysical employed very “ prosaic” words as if they were scientists or shopkeepers. The versification of the metaphysical is also like their diction coarse and jerky in contrast to the honeyed smoothness of much as Elizabethen  poetry . Their revolt according to Grierson is due to two motives :

                   I.            The desire to startle.

                II.            The desire to approximate poetic to direct unconventional colloquial speech.

Donne could “sing “ whenever he liked but often he seems to be bending  and cracking he often throws all prosodic considerations vehement utterance to the winds and distributes his stresses not according to the sense .  “In his work “ say Tucker Brooke “ The pierian flood is no clear spring : it is more Like a yellow stone geyser : over-heated, turbid, explosive and far from pure “

Donne  has to say is subtle and surprising and so are often the metrical effects which it is presented.

Religious Poetry

    Most of the metaphysical poets wrote  on religion. Indeed we owe most of our good religious poetry to them. They introduced Palatonic Love which means spiritual Love free from elements of physical love . It must be emphasized that all metaphysical  do not write exactly alike .

     Herbert followed Donne in most respects . He has been called the “saint” of the metaphysical school . His temple was the most popular Anglican poem of the age Herbert had two distinguished followers Vaughan and Crashaw they acknowledge their debt to Herbert . His thoughts concerning childhood in his poem .The retreat are largely echoed by the Wordsworth in the ode on the Intimations of Immortality in Childhood. His poem The World has daring image:

            I saw etemity the other night,

            Like a great ring of pure and endless light,

            All calm as it was bright .

    Crashaw ‘s poetry is uneven work . Whereas Herbert is a gentle stream, Crashaw is an impetuous torrent. He is quite undiscipline and given a moods of religious exaltation conceits . The eyes of Mary Magdalene in The Weeper are describe as:

                  Two walking baths , two weeping motions

                   Potable and compendious ocean.

          He sing says a critic the raptures of soul visited by divine love in term as concrete and glowing as any human lover has ever used to elaborate an Eartly passion.

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