Vowel , Vowel in English . How to Pronounce Vowel



A   vowels  are  defined as voiced sound in which there is no obstruction in the air passage. The shape of the oral cavity changed to form resonance chamber. Tongue is the important organ in creating resonance chamber. This highly flexible organ is capable of positioning  itself to various degrees of height.   

·     Vowels  that are pronounced  when the front part of the tongue raised at different heights  are recognized as front vowels.

/i/,/e/,/ /,/α/.

·     Vowels  that are pronounced when the back part of the tongue raised at different height are recognized as  back vowels.

/u/,/o/,/É” /, /a/

·      The centre of the tongue can also be raised to produce central vowels. /^/,/É™ /.


Short Vowels :  

/i/,/e/, /a/,/^/,/α/,/u/

 Long Vowels :

The long vo wel tend to be long,the symbols consist of one vowel symbol plus a length mark of two dots :

/i:/ , / ,/α:/,/ɔ:/,/u/.

Major criteria for the articulatory descriptions of vowels :

    i.            Tongue height

ii.            Tongue advancement

iii.            Lip rounding


The  length of the tongue is divided into front , central and back parts. In English Cardinal vowels they are identified as close, half close, half open and open. Vowels are divided into rounded and unrounded.

                Front vowels


    i.            Tongue height

It is in between half close and close                                                                                                                      Tongue advancement

The back of the front of the tongue is raised toward the hard palate.

iii.            Lip rounding

The lips are spread and drawn back.

They have tendency to make syllabal.

Examples :

Initial                                             Medial                                             Final

It                                                    bit                                                        city

/it/                                                  /bit/                                                   /siti/


    i.            Tongue height                                                                                             It is between half close and open.     

ii.            Tongue advancement                                  The front of the tongue raised toward the hard palate

iii.            Lip rounding

It is  pronounced with lips spread and pulled back and the lower jaw is raised a little.

Example  :

Initial                                     Medial                                              Final

Eat                                                        Beat                                                                  Tree 

/i:t/                                                       /bi:t/                                                                 /tri:/


    i.            Tongue height

It is in between half close and half open.

ii.            Tongue advancement

The front part of the tongue raised  in the direction of the hard palate.

iii.            Lip rounding

Lips are drawn back  un rounded and the lower jaw is somewhat dropped .  

Examples :

Initial                                               Medial                                               Final

Enter                                                  let                                                      Stay

  /entÉ™/                                             /let/                                                    / stei/             


        i.            Tongue height                                               The roof of the tongue drawn back  in between high mid and low mid.

ii.            Tongue advancement                                   The front of the tongue raised toward hard palate.

iii.            Lip rounding                                                                                                 The lips are drawn back and the lower jaw is somewhat dropped.

Examples  :

bet                     tell                             fell

/b t/                  /tÉ›l/                          /fÉ›l/ 


                    i.            Tongue  height                                                     The front of the tongue is at a position lower than /É›/.

                  ii.            Tongue advancement                                  It is a low front vowel.

                iii.            Lip rounding                                                     The lips open and become unrounded

Examples :

Intial                                        Medial

At                                                Fat

/αt/                                            /fαt/

     Back Vowels

/u:/                                      Tongue height                                                       The position of the tongue is fully open.

Tongue advancement                                          The back part of the tongue is raised. It is a long vowel.

Lip rounding                                                           The shape of the lips is rounded.


Root                                 Tool                           Do

/ru:t/                              /tu:l/                         /Du:/  


        i.            Tongue height                                                                 Its position is above high mid

ii.            Tongue advancement                                                 In term of tongue movement this sound is similar to /u:/.

iii.            Lip rounding                                                             The lips are rounded and lower jaw is somewhat raised.


Not found in intial position.

Could                                        would                                              look

/kud/                                        /wud/                                              /luk/  


                                            i.             Tongue height                                              The tongue height is half close.

                                          ii.            Tongue advancement                                    The back part of the tongue is used.

                                iii.            Lip rounding                                                  lips are rounded.





                    i.            Tongue height                                                It is in between high mid and low mid position.

             ii.            Tongue advancement                                The back part of the tongue is raised toward soft palate.

                                iii.            Liprounding                                                  lips are rounded. Long vowel.


Cord                    Tall                       Half

/kÉ”:d/                  /TÉ”:l/                   /HÉ”:f/


                                        i.            Tongue height                                                                                                    It is    in between high mid and low mid position.

                                    ii.            Tongue advancement

                    The back of the tongue is raised above the low back position.

                                iii.            Lip rounding

Lips are rounded and the lower jaw is dropped.


Dog               Top

/DÉ”g/             /TÉ”p/



 i.            Tongue height                                                  Low back vowel.

      ii.            Tongue advancement                                      Tongue leaves and fairly open oral cavity.

iii.            Lip rounding                                                         Lips are unrounded.

Examples :

Alarm                           calm

/É™lα:m/                         /kα:m/    

    Central Vowels


iv.            Tongue height                                                Tongue height is in between open and half open position.

     v.            Tongue advancement                                           The centre of the tongue moved toward hard and soft palate.

vi.            Liprounding                                                        Lips are unrounded.

Examples :

Done                              Cup                      Come

/d^n/                            /c^p/                   /k^m/


        i.            Tongue height                                                         It is in between half closed and half opened.

      ii.            Tongue advancement                                        Tongue is raised toward the hard palate.

iii.        Liprounding                                                           Lips are neutral.

Examples :

Bird                                           Butter

/bÉ™:d/                                     /b^tÉ™:/



 i.            Tongue height                                                    Mid and central ( half way between close and open) and ( half way between front and back).

      ii.            Tongue advancement                                          The centre of the tongue is raised in between hard palate and soft palate.

    iii.            Lip rounding                                                                Lips remain neutral and the lower jaw is dropped.

It is lax (not articulated with muscular energy).


About                                Again                                Sir

/É™baut/                              /É™gÉ›n/                           /sÉ™/

Secondary cardinal vowels

They  are related to the primary ones by reversing the lips posture .


1 ) Vowel is close , front , unrounded.

2) Vowel is close, front ,rounded.








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